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domenica 20 novembre 2011

Spotted Wing Drosophila Suzukii - Latest news

Spotted Wing Drosophila Suzuki
The latest checks made last week interesting developments have emerged with the innovative method, it was discovered that not only the S Drosophila that causes damage but also other drosophilidi albeit in a more mild. In addition, the fruits subjected to the method to be not faulty, far more resistant to manipulation and Botrytis.

Fruit treated                                                                           Untreated 


lunedì 14 novembre 2011

Control of Spotted Wing Drosophila on small fruits.

Excellent results were achieved in Trentino (Italy) for the damage control of Spotted Wing Drosophila, the 'experiment started in mid-September 2011 is still being finalized. The cultures used for the 'experiment are strawberry, raspberry cultivated in tunnels; is good for any crop as high as four to five meters in the open field. From a careful observation on the behavior and habits of the small flies and with the 'aid of traps in mass trapping was born the idea of ​​adults keep away from crops or at least avoid the damage on fruit in maturazione.Per obvious reasons to publish the results and the method of containment invite the gentlemen readers to write in the comments section or contact the author of this post to fruitculture@gmail.com
Greetings and good work to all.

venerdì 11 novembre 2011

Drosophila Suzuki Matsumara also cause serious damage in the vineyards of the Alps

The Drosophila Suzuki Matsumara also cause serious damage in the vineyards of the Alps.                  

During the harvest 2011 there have been several reports of damage from Drosophila MS, in particular on the local grape varieties Schiava Gentile, which means that the fruit fly species of fruit passes from one to another very easily as long as environmental conditions are favorable . For wine grapes because the damage is severe in the beginning of damaged berries abnormal processes that are reflected negatively in the wine . The control is very difficult because different treatments are needed to cover the entire period of maturation. I would anticipate that the producers of grapes arriving a solution which does not use chemicals but is based on the principle of a barrier.

La Drosophila Suzukii Matsumara provoca seri danni anche nei vigneti delle Alpi.
Nel periodo della vendemmia 2011 ci sono state diverse segnalazioni di danni da Drosophila S.M., in particolare sulla varietà di uva locale Schiava Gentile; questo significa  che il moscerino della frutta passa da una specie frutticola all'altra con molta facilità finchè le condizioni ambientali sono favorevoli. Per le uve da vino il danno è grave perchè negli acini danneggiati iniziano dei processi anomali che si riflettono negativamente nel vino. Il controllo risulta piuttosto difficile perchè sono necessari diversi trattamenti per coprire tutto il periodo della maturazione. Vorrei anticipare ai produttori di uva che in arrivo una soluzione che non prevede uso di sostanze chimiche ma si basa sul  pricipio di una barriera.

martedì 1 novembre 2011

New results for the damage control from Spotted Wing Drosophila Suzuki - Nuovi risultati per il controllo dei danni da Drosophila Suzukii

From a research started in September 2011  showed the possibility of damage control by Spotted Wing Drosophila using a method compatible with organic production. 
Da una ricerca iniziata nel mese di settembre 2011  è emersa la possibilità di controllo dei danni da Spotted Wing Drosophila con un metodo compatibile con la produzione biologica.