Rassegna stampa

lunedì 14 novembre 2011

Control of Spotted Wing Drosophila on small fruits.

Excellent results were achieved in Trentino (Italy) for the damage control of Spotted Wing Drosophila, the 'experiment started in mid-September 2011 is still being finalized. The cultures used for the 'experiment are strawberry, raspberry cultivated in tunnels; is good for any crop as high as four to five meters in the open field. From a careful observation on the behavior and habits of the small flies and with the 'aid of traps in mass trapping was born the idea of ​​adults keep away from crops or at least avoid the damage on fruit in maturazione.Per obvious reasons to publish the results and the method of containment invite the gentlemen readers to write in the comments section or contact the author of this post to fruitculture@gmail.com
Greetings and good work to all.

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